Conditional Sentence
Conditional sentence merupakan complex
sentence (kalimat kompleks) yang terdiri dari subordinate
clause berupa pernyataan unreal (tidak
ada kemungkinan terwujud) atau hypothetical (ada kemungkinan
terwujud) dan main clause berupa result / consequence (hasil
/ konsekuensi). Penjelasan lebih lengkap dapat dilihat di If
Conditional Sentence.Pengertian Conditional Type 1
Conditional type 1 adalah kalimat pengandaian yang digunakan ketika result / consequence (hasil) dari condition (syarat) memiliki kemungkinan untuk terwujud karena condition-nya realistik untuk dipenuhi di masa depan.Rumus Conditional Type 1
Rumus kalimat pengandaian ini dapat dilihat pada tabel sebagai berikut di bawah ini.
if + condition,
if + simple
present, will + bare infinitive
atau rumus tanpa menggunakan koma:
+ if + condition
will + bare
infinitive + if + simple present
Negatif if + condition
Rumus: if…not dapat digantikan dengan unless.Contoh Conditional Type 1
Beberapa contoh conditional type 1 dapat dilihat pada tabel di bawah ini.
conditional type 1 dengan koma
conditional type 1 tanpa koma
If I have free time, I will go swimming.
I will go swimming if I have free time.
If the bell rings, I’ll go home.
I’ll go home if the bell rings.
If you do not finish your homework, your teacher will be
Your teacher will be angry if you do not finish your
If he doesn’t come, I won’t be angry.
I won’t be angry if he doesn’t come.
Unless he comes, I will not be angry.
I will not be angry unless he comes.
If he comes, I won’t be angry.
I won’t be angry if he comes.
If they invite you, will you come?
Will you come if they invite you?
Conditional Type 2
Pengertian Conditional Type 2
Conditional type 2 adalah kalimat pengandaian yang digunakan ketika result / consequence (hasil) dari condition (syarat) tidak memiliki atau hanya sedikit kemungkinan untuk terwujud karena condition-nya tidak mungkin dipenuhi dimasa sekarang (present unreal situation) atau condition-nya sulit untuk dipenuhi di masa depan (unlikely to happen).Rumus Conditional Type 2
Rumus kalimat pengandaian ini dapat dilihat pada tabel sebagai berikut.
if +
condition, result/consequence
if + simple past, would/could/might + bare infinitive
atau rumus tanpa menggunakan koma:
+ if + condition
would/could/might + bare infinitive + if + simple past
Negatif if + condition
Rumus: if…not dapat digantikan dengan unless.Were Menggantikan Was
Pada conditional type 2, were digunakan menggantikan was meskipun subjek yang digunakan merupakan pronoun: she, he, it, maupun kata benda tunggal. Hal ini untuk menunjukkan bahwa pengandaiannya benar-benar hanya berupa khayalan semata karena tidak condition-nya tidak mungkin dipenuhi (present unreal situation).
if + condition,
if + S + were, would (could/might) + bare infinitive
Contoh Conditional Type 2
Beberapa conditional type 2 dapat dilihat pada tabel sebagai berikut di bawah ini.
Conditional type 2 dengan koma
Conditional type 2 tanpa koma
If it rained tomorrow, I would sleep all day.
(Jika besok hujan, saya akan tidur sepanjang hari.) |
He would sleep all day if it rained tomorrow.
but I don’t have much hope it will rain
(tapi saya tidak punya cukup keyakinan bahwa besok akan hujan) |
If Nisa studied hard, she would pass.
(Jika Nisa belajar keras, dia akan lulus.) |
Nisa would pass if she studied hard.
but Nisa doesn’t study hard
(tapi Nisa tidak belajar keras.) |
If I had much money, I would buy a sport car.
(Jika saya punya banyak uang, saya akan membeli sebuah mobil sport.) |
I would buy a sport car if I had much money.
but I don’t have much money
(tapi saya tidak punya banyak uang) |
If I were a millionaire, I would donate my money to
(Jika saya seorang millionaire, saya akan mendonasikan uang saya untuk amal.) |
I would donate my money to charity if I were a
but I’m not a millionaire
(tapi saya bukan seorang milioner) |
If Nisa didn’t study hard, she wouldn’t be passed.
(Jika Nisa tidak belajar keras, dia tidak akan lulus.) |
Nisa wouldn’t be passed if she didn’t study hard.
but Nisa studies hard
(tapi Nisa belajar keras) |
If Nisa studied hard, she wouldn’t fail.
(Jika Nisa belajar keras, dia tidak akan gagal.) |
Nisa wouldn’t fail if she studied hard.
If Nisa didn’t study hard, she would fail.
atau Unless Nisa studied hard, she would fail. (Jika Nisa tidak belajar keras, dia akan gagal.) |
Nisa would fail If she didn’t study hard.
atau Nisa would fail unless she studied hard. |
If I were a millionaire, I wouldn’t donate my money to
I wouldn’t donate my money to charity if I were a
If Nisa didn’t study hard, would she fail?
Would Nisa fail if she didn’t study hard?
If I had much money, would I buy a sport car?
Would I buy a sport car if I had much money?
If I were a millionaire, would I donate my money to
Would I donate my money to charity If I were a
Conditional Type 3
Pengertian Conditional Type 3
Conditional type 3 adalah kalimat pengandaian yang digunakan ketika result / consequence (hasil) dari condition (syarat) tidak ada kemungkinan untuk terwujud karena condition-nya harus sudah dipenuhi di masa lalu.Rumus Conditional Type 3
Rumus kalimat pengandaian ini adalah sebagai berikut.
if + condition, result/consequence
if + past perfect,
would/should/could/might + bare infinitive
atau rumus tanpa menggunakan tanda baca koma:
result/consequence + if + condition
+ bare infinitive + if + past perfect
Contoh Conditional Type 3
Beberapa contoh conditional type 3 dapat dilihat pada tabel sebagai berikut di bawah ini.
Conditional type 3 dengan koma
Conditional type 3 tanpa koma
If you had remembered to invite me, I would have attended
your party.
I would have attended your party if you had remembered to
invite me.
If the waitress had been careful, she wouldn’t have broke
many plates.
She wouldn’t have broke many plates if the waitress had
been careful.
If he had asked for forgiveness, would you have forgived
Would you have forgived him if he had asked for
Fact , Function ,
Ungkapan mengakui fakta (Admitting facts):
* Yes, that's right.
* Absolutely.
* That's it.
Ungkapan menyangkal fakta (Denying facts)
* No, it
isn't, actually.
* I'm
afraid that's wrong.Contoh:
- If the teacher didn’t speak quickly, I could understand better what he is teaching about. (Jika guru itu tidak berbicara dengan cepat, saya dapat memahami dengan lebih baik apa yang dia sedang ajarkan). Fakta dari kalimat ini adalah: the teacher speaks quickly, so that, I can’t understand well what he is teaching about.
- He could hug me, if he were here. (Dia boleh memeluk saya, jika dia di sini). Faktanya: he can’t hug me, because, he is not here.
- If I had a pair of wings, I would fly high. (Jika saya punya sepasang sayap, saya mungkin terbang tinggi). Faktanya: I don’t have a pair of wings, I cannot fly high.
Perfect Tense mirip dengan Present Perfect Tense hanya saja beda di
waktunya saja. Penekannya pada PERFECT-nya itu, usainya itu. Agar lebih jelas
saya ulang sedikit tentang Present Perfect Tense dulu ya.PRESENT Perfect Tense mengenai suatu kejadian atau peristiwa yang SELESAI (sempurna, perfect) saat ini, contohnya: She has just gone (Dia baru saja pergi).
Nah PAST Perfect Tense adalah bentuk lampau (Past) dari Present Perfect Tense itu, makanya disebut Past Perfect Tense, sama-sama Perfectnya! Jelas ya? Kalau Present Perfect Tense menggunakan rumus S + Have/has + V3 maka Past Perfect Tense menggunakan bentuk lampau dari Has/has yaitu “HAD”.
Rumus Past Perfect Tense
Positif: S + had + V3
Negatif: S + had + not + V3
Tanya: Had + S + V3
kalimatnya:-I had gone When He arrived at my home
“I had gone” adalah Past Perfect Tense, dengan subjectnya adalah I. Lihat ada “had” nya, dan kata kerja bentuk ketiganya (V3) adalah gone. Sesuai rumusnya S + had + V3. Kalimat pembandingnya adalah bentuk past tense: “When He arrived at my home”.
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